import java.util.Date plugins { kotlin("jvm") version "2.0.0" `java-gradle-plugin` `maven-publish` } group = "dev.frogmc" version = "aaa" repositories { maven { name = "FrogMC Maven Releases" url = uri("") } maven { name = "FrogMC Maven Snapshots" url = uri("") } mavenLocal() mavenCentral() } dependencies { implementation("dev.frogmc:thyroxine:0.0.1-alpha.16") implementation("org.ow2.asm:asm:9.7") implementation("org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:9.7") implementation("org.ow2.asm:asm-tree:9.7") implementation("") implementation("org.vineflower:vineflower:1.10.1") testImplementation(kotlin("test")) implementation("com.electronwill.night-config:toml:3.8.1") implementation("") } gradlePlugin { plugins { create("phytotelma") { id = "dev.frogmc.phytotelma" implementationClass = "dev.frogmc.phytotelma.PhytotelmaPlugin" } } } tasks.jar { manifest { attributes( "Implementation-Version" to version, "Implementation-Date" to Date(), "Implementation-Name" to ) } } tasks.test { useJUnitPlatform() } kotlin { jvmToolchain(21) } publishing { publications { } repositories { maven { name = "FrogMCSnapshotsMaven" url = uri("") credentials(PasswordCredentials::class) authentication { create("basic") } } maven { name = "FrogMCReleasesMaven" url = uri("") credentials(PasswordCredentials::class) authentication { create("basic") } } } }